Sunday, 25 March 2012

March Madness

Today was a big day!
New bed with carrots,
scallions, kohlrabi & peas
Our growing season here in Minnesota is so short, that when the weather warms up we work like crazy to get stuff in the ground.  This year is so unique, and I am sooo grateful that we have the time to really prep the garden beds (and do the expansion!) without losing any growing time.
Today we cleared out the sod for another bed and got the first plantings of the carrots, scallions, kohlrabi and peas in the ground. 
We also got the two tomato beds and the pepper bed ready to go.  Next steps are to get the fence pinned to the ground and wrapped around the front of the bed.

We also have Thyme and Sage coming back from last year, which happen to fall in this year's walkways, so when these become more established they'll get moved out of the vegetable bed for a more permanent home.
Pepper Bed

Next weekend, we'll try and get the next bed cleared out, the pea trellises made, and a second planting of the lettuces/beets/radishes.



  1. Wow you have been busy. It is looking so good. I see your grass is getting green. Will you have a gate in your fence or is the climb over variety?

    1. Thanks! yup, the fence will have some sort of gate, but likely something flexible and temporary.
